Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Studying Populations
Chapter 15, Section 2 Study Guide

Determining Population Size
1.  direct observation    
b.  counting all the crabs that live in a tide pool.

2.  indirect observation  
a.  counting the number of nesting sites in an area

3.  sampling             
d.  counting the number of red maples in a small area to estimate the number in the entire forest.

4.  mark-and-recapture study  
c.  counting hawks with and without bands on their legs.

5.  How can populations change in size?
Populations can change in size when new member join the population or when members leave the population.

6.  What is the major way in which new individuals are added to a population?  By birth.

7.  The number of births in a population in a certain amount of time is the birth rate.

8.  What is the major way that individuals leave a population?  By death.

9.  The number of deaths in a population in a certain amount of time is called the death rate.

10.  Is the following sentence true or false? 
       If the rate is greater than the death rate, population size decreases.  false.
       If the rate is greater than the death rate, population size INCREASES.

11.  immigration   b.  moving into a population
12.  emigration     a.  leaving a population

13.  Is the following sentence true or false?
Population density is the number of individuals in a specific area.  true

14.  An environmental facgtor that casues a population to decrease is called a limiting factor.

15.  What are some limiting factors for populations?
  1. food
  2. water
  3. space
  4. weather conditions
16.  The largest population than an area can support is called its carrying capacity.

17.  Is the following sentence true or false?
Space is often a limiting facor for plants. true.

18.  What are some ways weather conditions can limit population growth?
flood- washes out food and inhabitants
snow storm- kills all of the food
drought- grass and trees will perish...can not feed livestock.

HOMEWORK....pp. 504- Due Thursday.



Chapter 15, Section 2 Assessment1. a. Listing:  What are four methods of detrmining population size.
    b.  Applying Concepts:  Which method would you use to determine the number of mushrooms growing on the floor of a large forest.  Explain.

2. a.  Identifying.  Name two ways organisms join a population and two ways organisms join a population and two ways organisms leave a population.
    b.  Calculating:  Suppose a population of 100 mice has produced 600 young.  If 200 mice have died, how many mice are in the population now?  Assume for this question that no mice have moved into or out of the population for other reasons). 
    c.  Drawing conclusions:  Suppose that you discovered that there were actually 750 mice in the population.  How could you account for the difference?

3.  a.  Reviewing: Name three limiting factors for populations.
     b.  Describing:  Choose one of the limiting factors and describe how it limits population growth.
     c.  Inferring:  How might the limiting factor you chose affect the pigeon population in your town?


Language Arts
Study Island- Test tomorrow.
Glencoe pp. 292
Customary Units- chart from pp. 292)

When covering the units:
  • multiply when the units are large to small...
  • divide when the units are small to large...
Homework: WB p.55; Due: Thursday, January 19, 2012.
(Objectives 1h)


Bellringer: (Prefixes, Suffixes, & Roots, pp. 51)

The root word scope means "to watch, see, or examine."  Many words are formed from this word. 

Directions:  Look up the definitions of the words below in a dictionary, and write the definitions on the lines.

1. telescopic: _______________________________________________________

2.  microscopic: _____________________________________________________

Directions:  Use one of the words above in a sentence.



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