Thursday, December 8, 2011

Science Study Guide: Answer Key

1.        The endocrine system produces chemicals that control many of the body’s daily actiivites.  The endocrine system also regulates long-term changes such as growth and development.

2.       Glands

3.       False

4.       Hormone

5.       Regulates activities in tissues and organs that are not close to the glands that produce them.

6.       B and c

7.       Target cells

8.       Throid glands- d

9.       Adrenal glands- b

10.   Ovaries- e

11.   Testes- a

12.   Thymus- c

13.   C and d

14.   The pituitary gland controls other endocrine glands and regulates growth, blood pressure and water balance.

15.   True

16.   Through negative feeback, when the amount of a particular hormone in the blood reaches a certain level, the endocrine system sends signals that skip the release of that hormone.

17.   a. pituitary

b. thyroid

c. cells

d. TSH

e. thyroxine

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